HRMS Solutions
Truni offers a comprehensive human resources management solution for its clients looking for a cost effective solution that meets their end to end requirement. Our solution has been supporting more than hundred customers since the last decade with several thousand users using various modules of our HRMS solution. Truni is happy to offer this solution in both the on-premises and SAAS models. In addition we help you configure and customize the solution as per your specific needs to start with and scale up as your business grows.
Recruitment Process Manager
Supports end-to-end Recruitment Process. Maintains resumes in an online database. Complete portal for candidate and vendor management. Automated email alerts and letter generation tool with status tracking of each recruitment activity
Human Resources Information System
Captures detailed information of employees with easy updation and maintenance of employee information. Generates personal history reports for each employee with configurable masters and data fields
Payroll Self Services
Enables employees to view and print the monthly PaySlip,Reimbursement Slip, Tax Computations, PF Slip, SAF Slip etc.
Additionally supports investment plan declaration as per current budget guidelines. Supports a secured system for employees to keep their payroll informationconfidential
Claims Management System
This is for Online submission of payroll reimbursement claims with online approval of payroll reimbursement claims. It supports auto balance updates and checks eligibility and enables status tracking of all payroll reimbursement claims
Flexi Salary System
This module gives a flexible component selection option toemployees. The salary component selection would be as per the salarystructure defined for an organization. Employees can chose from a basket of components and allocate the amount according to their own plan. Access control to this module can be enabled / disabled by thesuper user. The Payroll Team can download the declared inputs from the systemand use it for salary processing
Leave Management System
This module manages employee’s leave application, approval,cancellation and rejection status with ability to configure multiple leave policies and rules in one singlesystem. Multiple holiday lists can be handled by location. Other features include auto update on leave balance of all employees, year-end features, like Carry Forward Rules, Lapse andEncashment can be automated
Attendance Management System
Enables recording of the daily turnout of employees with option for uploading the daily attendance sheet from a third Party system as well. Supports option to integrate with third party swipe card system with combined reports with leave can be generated, exception alerts can be shown to HR.
Survey Management System
It supports in house surveys with support for a wide range of question types for the survey. Design survey questionnaire with multiple choices to ratingscales and with open-ended text questions. It helps view results in real-time as soon as they are collected and with ability to browse responses by drilling down to the individual responselevel and watch live graphs and charts, applying filters to results and download results in a PDF/ MS Excel/ MS Word format.
Performance Management System
It offers complete automation of the performance appraisal cycle in anorganization. Work flows can be defined to meet a 90 / 180 / 360 degreeperformance appraisal process with objective setting by an employee and its approval online. Self-appraisal, Reporting Manager’s Review and Reviewer’sfeedback can be tracked across the departments. Multiple appraisal form templates can be designed for various departments, locations, management levels etc.
Training & Employee Development System
Designed to manage the training needs of an organization, this module enables managers to design and upload the training calendar,prepare participants list, approve training requests, monitortraining attendance and provide feedback on training programs. It provides an efficient management of the company’s trainingneeds through a Performance Management System.
Travel Management System
Employees can submit their travel requests online. Approval work flow can be used for defining the approval
process as per organization policy. Travel Requests can be categorized as per travel policies with option allowing employees to put in their travel details and preferences that are used by the travel desk for booking. It stream lines requisition process and also helps an organizationdo away with the manual process
Resource Allocation & TimeSheet Entry System
Enables allocation of employees as resources to various projects with assignment, reassignment and release of resources from projects.Skill levels, resource allocation status, and project details can beviewed for efficient planning and utilization of manpower. Empowers employees to enter their timesheets and periodicity of timesheets can be configured as required.
Exit Management System (ExiMS)
This module provides the organization an end to end automatedEmployee Exit Tracker empowering the HR manager to initiate the exit process online andcustom develop exit interview forms for every category ofemployee. Enables the HR department to disburse department wise exitchecklists, collate and file check list responses and generaterelieving letter.
Query Management System
Any query related to payroll, tax computations, reimbursements,leave, employee data, HR policy and appraisal can be handled by this module. Multiple response owners can be assigned for multiplecategories of queries. SLAs of response times can be measured and escalations built infor all categories of queries with status of every query that can be tracked with support for friendly email alerts.